Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's all about me!

1. Full Name: Lindsay Anne Brinkerhoff Smith
2. Age: 25, I'll be 26 Nov. 8.
3. Married/Kids?: Married to Colton Smith, mother of Madison 3 1/2 and Brooklyn 2 months
4. Work: I am a full time mom
5. Resides: Colorado
6. Hobbies: Scrapbooking, blogging, shopping for my kids(it's seriously a problem, they have more clothes and shoes than they need, but I love little girl clothes so much I can't help myself!) , vacationing with my family, just hangin' with my family, I'm kind of a home body!
7. Loves: cuddling on the couch with Colton and watching tv at night, scrapbooking after my kids have gone to bed, chocolate, DR. PEPPER (except that I can't have any right now since I'm dieting) my family, my friends, vacations, pedicures, going to lunch with friends, shopping, FOOTBALL, listening to Madison answer her pretend cell phone (the things she says and the people she says are calling her are hilarious!)
8. I am on this blog thanks to: Shannon
9. Dreams: To have a rockin' super model body that I know makes other women look at me and say, "Damn, I wish I looked like her!" I would like to run another marathon, be the best mom I can be all the time, go on more vacations with just Colton, have lots of money to go on more vacations, for my kids to be healthy, for me to be healthy, and to always be happy.
10. Addictions: Playing on my computer, Dr. Pepper (just not recently) Amazing Race (for real,when does it start again, I'm having major Amazing Race withdrawls right now), Grey's Anatomy, and Singing Bee- love that show!
11. Biggest Dislikes: Lateness! People who are late make me insane! I'm not saying that I'm never late, but I make a HUGE effort not to be, and if I am, it's only a few minutes, bad drivers and rude people that look at you like you're a bad mom when your kid is throwing a fit in a store.


*alysha* said...

Have I told you lately that I love you? Seriously I think I know you better than Colton does through blogging!

Lindsay said...

I'm glad you love me cause I love you too! You make me laugh! I seriously can't wait to see you at the retreat. It's going to be so fun!

*alysha* said...

Oh Lindsay, brace yourself...I'm not going to the retreat. It was just decided today because the weekend got changed to one I can't miss.

Lindsay said...

You have got to be kidding me! I decided not to come for Labor Day since I'm coming out there for the retreat just two weeks later. I'm totally bummed now! When am I going to see you and what is your conflict with that weekend?

*alysha* said...

It's family stuff - I'll email later. But I still love ya!