Okay, since a few of us have had the "Adult Acne" issue, Jocelyn recommended this product to me and it's worked AWESOME! I haven't had a zit in the last 8 years (thanks Accutane) but for some reason, last week I got five!!! they all were in the same area, and nicely formed a circle. So for any of you having the Adult Acne issue, try this: Clearasil Acne Control, Adult Acne Treatment Cream. It's tinted, so you can wear it under makeup. But, you HAVE to make sure you buy the ADULT one...I went to 4 stores to find mine, but Walgreens had it. All the others had the same cream, but not the Adult version. Try it...you'll love it!

I also am still in love with my Bissel Flip-It. I know Julie and Angie both have one, but after 3 years, mine still is awesome. If you have lots of tile or hardwood, this thing is awesome. It sweeps, mops, and squeegees all in one. So the squeege part isn't all that powerful, but really this thing is a livesaver! I bought mine at Sears 3 years ago for about $100. It's pricey, but totally worth the time savings!

I've been out of my proactiv and it shows so maybe I'll give this a try. thank for the tip!
BTW - I can't believe we hit over 60 post in one month. We are the coolest group ever. Shannon, I'm working on my Eclipse invite. It will be posted soon.
Dang it! Adult flare ups suck! tx for the tip!
That stuff really is awesome. I'm wearing some right now, actually, on a monster on my chin. It's oh so lovely. I've never had acne but I always get a zit or three right before my visitor comes... which is not right now so I want to know WTH I have this GROWTH on my chin... 2 weeks EARLY! With this cream it is quickly going away though, I just will have to wash it off before I go out tonight (ok let's get real... IF I go out tonight!)
Nice. I can totally use some adult acne stuff. And I'm with Sharn on my Bissell Flip It! LOVE IT. I got mine for Christmas last year. (don't worry girls, I asked for it. it wasn't a hint from my hubby!)
Thanks for the product info - I'm always on the lookout for this kind of stuff.
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